
The Channel of Recognition.

A Design of Focused Energy (feelings).

Awareness Stream of Feeling.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of Desire.

Collective Circuit: Sensing

Type: Projected Channel.

30- The Clinging Fire.

46 - Decrease.

The Visionary, The Dreamer.

This is the combination of gate 41 (imagination with great ambition) and gate 30 (passion and desire). It connects the emotional centers desire to the drive and ambition and adrenalized fuel of the root center. This energy in your design is extremely powerful and actually amps up the whole personality. People with this energy in their design can often be big dreamers who bring imaginative ideas into reality. They are passionate, creative and innovative. With this channel defined the persons Authority is Emotional- Solar Plexus. It pays to remember with this Authroity that there is no truth in the now and that you remeber you must wait for your clarity.

This is the channel that pushes us an a human species beyond what we already have, past the experiences we already know. It is these experiences that aid us in our evolution. There is a drive here that is rooted in desire. A desire for an experience, a desire to fulfil a fantasy.

This channel can have you living in a state of chaos, leaping from adventure to adventure, hunting for something to desire and be passionate about. Often hurting yourself and others in the process. This energy is fiery and intense. Burnout is rooted in this channel. You actually have the ability to burn the people around you out before yourself, but eventually it will burn you out as well if you succumb to the roots pressure to fulfil ALL of your fantasies and desires without waiting for clarity from the solar plexus and the emotional wave. Your intense emotions, when you are passionate about an idea, can be hard to hold for some loved ones that are close by, but you are also a gift to them as they may need someone like you around to even dip their toe into fantasising about life's possible experiences. You have a gift in empowering others to follow their desires when you share your experience with surrendering to following your own. Having an awareness of this channel in your design and your ability to affect the emotions of others around you is an effective tool. Recognition of your emotional wave when it begins, and a heads up for those around you that you're brewing something big and they are to prepare themselves is a handy tool to have in your tool kit.

The superpower of this channel is a focused imagination that can make you one of life's pioneering visionaries, with the desire and passion to build a better future in the interests of everyone. Because you have this visionary thinking it can be frustration when you swiftly move into action and others are still processing the concept you pitched. You can feel this sense of urgency for others to hurry up to and get it, and get onboard.

Mastery of this channel comes in the clarity after your wave has collected all the necessary data. The clarity you receive once the wave has settled is the only right time to decide whether to follow through with your fantasies and desires or not. Either way, detaching from the expectation and outcome is a major key in harnessing this channel's superpowers.

Dream big, set the scene for others who may not be able to imagine all of the possibilities that you can. But always remember that there may be one variation of the outcome that you have not thought of.


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29/46 Discovery


32/54 Transformation