
The Channel of Discovery.

A Design of Succeeding Where Others Fail, Or Failing Where Others Succeed.

Tantric Channel

Collective Circuit: Sensing

Type: Generated Channel.

29- The Abysmal

46 - Pushing Upward.

The Right Place at the Right Time - In Response.

This is the combination of gate 46 (love of the body) with gate 29 (perseverance). This channel is about understanding that if you are totally absorbed in a process, in your flow, you are exactly in the right place at exactly the right time. This channel will then bring amazing transformations through your total commitment of being absorbed in that process. It is called the Channel of Discovery because this place and time when you find yourself totally immersed is your genius zone and discoveries can happen for you.

This channel is abstract and very existential in its nature. It pays to remember that the only teacher of the abstract process is the PAST. The discoveries that are correct for you to uncover are always evident after the experience has been completed. The mind can assume it knows what might happen when you commit your energy to an experience but you should never underestimate what the discovery could be. Only the body knows. Your only job is to ensure you are following your response when you commit, leave the rest up to divine timing and the rhythms of nature as the things you commit to cycle out organically.

With this channel you can make things look easy from the outside. Others may assume you haven't put in much effort and think that you are somehow just ‘lucky’. Truth be told you are often in the right place at the right time, but never underestimate the amount of prep work, surrender and listening to your inner Authority it took to get you positioned in that right place.

If you can become completely immersed in the depth of your experience and let go of expectations the meaning will be revealed. If you say yes to the correct things, committing your powerful sacral motor correctly by following your strategy and authority, you will have energy to persevere through the entire process.

This channel gives you stamina in persevering, and digging your heels in when you are being challenged in order to succeed in many places where others would have thrown in the towel. You work hard, but it looks like you have it easy to others. Be warned the perseverance and stamina is there when the thing you are applying your energy to has been approved by your strategy and authority.

This channel's superpower lies in the perseverance you have to succeed where others fail. Now along with this comes the byproduct of sometimes failing at the ‘normal’ things in life. This is because you were not designed to be ’normal’, you're designed to be exceptional.

This channel also brings you great knowing that life can be experienced profoundly from within the body. You may have a love for dance, yoga, tantra, or any sort of body movement that brings a sensual feeling to the body. Any body issues mean you might be doing something you didn’t mean/want to say yes to. Perhaps you didn't follow your strategy and authority when responding to life. Bodily issues are your soul trying to pull you back into alignment, which can be extremely strong with this channel.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


28/38 Struggle


30/41 Recognition