
The Channel of Struggle

A Design of Stubborness.

Stream of Intuitive Awareness when connected to the 57th gate.

Individual Circuit: Knowing.

Type: Projected Channel.

28- Preponderance of the Great.

38 - Opposition.

The Hero’s Journey.

This is the combination of gate 28 (wanting meaning and purpose), with gate 38 (fighting for a purpose). Bringing together the instinctual energy of spleen with the drive and ambition of the root. This channel is your drive to stand up and fight for what you believe is right.

This channel is sometimes known as the design of stubbornness. This is because of the gate 38’s energy (the gate of the fighter) you may find yourself really stuck fighting battles that in the long run really do not matter, or digging your heels in just for the sake of it. You can also find yourself fighting everyone else’s battles.

This is where the gate 28’s energy comes into the equation, bringing the Spleen’s awareness around what is worth the struggle and what is not worth your energy. Always apply your strategy and authority when these opportunities for a battle present themselves to discern if you should commit your energy or not. This channel's mantra is “pick your battles”. This channel’s energy is highly sought after by people around you and when they are going into battle they want your energy on their side. Be sure their agenda is in alignment with yours.

People with this channel can linger with the struggle to find purpose in life. Being a deeply individual channel it can have moments of unpredictable, spontaneous melancholy. You may slip into the groove where you believe everything in this life is a struggle and it's all for nothing. “What's the point” sort of mentality. There is nothing to do with these states of melancholy but accept them as they are. They are part of who you are. The gift and talents of having this channel in your design is that when you are fighting the good fight, it is for the right cause (which is unique to everyone) you are rewarded with a deep sense of purpose and fulfilment.

The word stubbornness gets a bit of a bad wrap. In the context of this channel's energy your stubbornness is your absolute superpower. The minute you hear the words “it can't be done, there's no point fighting for /against it”, your ears prick up and when it is energetically aligned, you prepare for battle. You empower others around you to stand their ground and fight for what they believe is right, that in itself is a tremendous superpower.

It can be helpful to look at everyday mundane task that you might find yourself struggling with in humour. For example you may find you’ve decided to carry all of the shopping in at once instead of doing two trips to the car, you decide to struggle with arms full of groceries. Only to work out that you don’t a free hand to open the front door. These are the little moments the design of stubbornness can play out in your everyday life. You can learn to witness yourself in these minor fights and approach them with humour.


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27/50 Preservation


29/46 Discovery