
The Channel of Community.

A Design of a Part Seeking a Whole.

Mystical Channel Keynote: The Glorious and the Profane.

The Channel of Tribal Spirituality.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of the Marriage Contract

Tribal Circuit: Ego.

Type: Projected Channel.

37 - The Family.

40 - Deliverance.

The Family and The word are everything.

This is the combination of gate 40 (aloneness) with gate 37 (the drive to be a part of a tribe). This channel connects your heart center (The ego will power and the material plane) to your emotional center (getting people together, working together, living together being a part of the whole). This channel in your design means your word is your bond and you wish to live in a community where trust and fairness are two of the top societal laws.

This is your ability to honor a hand shake within your community, but also expect it to be honoured back. Bargains, and respectfully executing the “I’ll do for you, if you do for me” mentality is a gift of this gate. In social and business contract deals, knowing what part you play is important for you. Your role that you play in your tribe and community, to make up the whole, is a theme that is always in the back of your mind. As you seek purpose in life you need like minded allies that support you and your goals.

This channel can bring a feeling of aloneness, especially when you realise you're in the wrong community or tribe. This is why support and earthly allies are fundamental to your thriving. You will always have this underlying sense of going it alone, but the edge is taken off with this supportive tribe. When you are unsure what your part of the deal is to uphold it can frustrate you to no end. Be aware of this and ensure when entering into contracts and partnerships you have a clear idea of what it is you’ve agreed to bring. You have zero tolerance for people who renege on a deal, and if people let you down you can freeze them out. You're a person of your word and you expect others to be the same.

There is a side of this channel that can go to self-sacraficing lengths in relationships to please, or keep the others loyalty. It can be very detrimental for a 37/40 to encounter disloyal people that are close to them simply because of how closely the emotional center is connected to the ego with this channel.

This is an ego gate and like all of the other ego gates, everytime it exerts its willpower it wants an adequate period of rest in return. This can cause frustrations in relationships if you perceive you are always the one getting the mundane chores done with no rest in return. Especially if two people in a relationship both have this channel there can be a constant theme of imbalance and unfairness as to who deserves the break more. It does not mean that the relationship cannot work. With Awareness that every defined ego requires their rest anything can work well.

People like you are the glue of communities because of your authenticity and ability to bring reliance, honesty, and stability to the tribe. Which is warming and reassuring to people. You have an amazing ability here to create your own community, your own tribe with your own contracts and social laws that you feel are important to uphold.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


35/36 Transitoriness


39/55 Emoting