
The Channel of Emoting.

A Design of Moodiness.

The Awareness Stream of Emoting.

Sexuality Keynote: The Channel of Stimulation.

Individual Circuit: Knowing.

Type: Projected Channel.

39 - Obstruction.

55 - Abundance.

Deep perspectives come with deep emotions.

This is the combination of gate 55 (the awareness of spirit) with gate 39 (provocation). This channel combines the emotional wave of the solar plexus with the pressure and drive of the root center. It is a deeply emotional channel that can spike your emotional wave from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows. However the underlying theme of this channel is creative cycles.

This channel gives you enormous creative energy and inspirational moments where you are outwardly pumping out creative content like nobody's business. Then the cycle enters its more inward side and you can feel barren, like there is something wrong and melancholy sets in. Because this channel is rooted in emotions, being in the right mood to do something, the right mood to create or to express yourself is crucial. If your mood is not in that outer creative cycle save your energy, no manner of forcing the issue will help.

This channel can present as quite dramatic mood swings, so much so that sometimes it is difficult to get a handle on things. This channel has no connection to the throat. Is it purely a spike and wave of emotions inside of you and is what makes you widely passionate about the things you engage in. When you're down in the dumps or your mood is low nobody can pull you out of that. This can be difficult for close friends, partners or family. Knowing this and having a space you can withdraw yourself to will serve you and your loved ones immensely. Your mood will cycle and shift when it is good and ready. This channel is known to have links to emotional eating, having an awareness of this in your design is powerful.

The gift of having this channel in your design is once you accept these seasons of emotions and become attuned with the cyclical nature of your emotional creative wave, you can honour the ebbs and flows of the creative energy surges it brings and more importantly, honor and respect the inward downtime it requires. Knowing that inward is just as much part of the creative process as the outward expression.

You are someone that is here to master the acceptance of movement of emotional energy through the body. Not trying to hurry it along, rush it or shame yourself out of an emotionally low state. There can be deep peace and freedom from accepting each point in your emotional experiences as just a new perspective to see the world through. As you gather more and more depth throughout your process your choices and decisions and course of action become clearer and clearer.


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37/40 Community


42/53 Maturation