
The Channel of Maturation.

A Design of Balanced Development.

Format Channel.

Collective Circuit: Sensing.

Type: Generated Channel.

42 - Increase.

53 - Development.

Surrendering to the Cyclical Rhythms of life.

This is the combination of gate 53 (pressure to start things) with the 42 (generative energy to finish cycles). Bringing together a physical action-orientated energy of the sacral and the adrenal-pressure drive of the root center. This channel is your ability to stay the distance. See things cycle out.

Gate 53 struggles to finish things, while gate 42 struggles to know what to start. Together they are a match made in heaven! They bring the energy to really get things done and done well. However, there is a catch! The things you have on your agenda to get done must be in response to life (aka, your strategy) and approved by your inner authority, otherwise this energy can get stuck in a stalemate and this will cause you frustration.

Remember that some of us are here to start things, some of us are here to finish things, not all of us can handle the whole job ourselves, don't underestimate your gift here! It's not one that everyone has. But also don't get caught up expecting others to start and complete entire projects, they simply cannot like you can. Now, just because you have this gift it doesn't mean you have to do 'things' in response to people just because you can.

The energy of the sacral is only powerful when it's doing what excites it, inspires it or lights it up so if you find yourself committed to projects, jobs, tasks that do not fit that criteria, or have the approval of your inner authority, you will find yourself frustrated.

The energy of this channel loves to operate in cycles. It loves a beginning, a middle and an end, kind of like a good book. Once you enter into a cycle you will be there until completion or will feel immense pressure to complete the cycle. So be mindful of which cycles you enter into and bring awareness to where in the cycle you are. Know you cannot force the ending of a cycle. It must play out organically for the wisdom of this channel to be accessed.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


39/55 Emoting


64/47 Abstraction