
The of the Beat.

The Design of being a Keeper of the Keys.

Individual (knowing) Circuit.

Type: Generated.

2- The Receptive, 14- Possession in Great Measure.

The gift of the Alchemist.

This is the combination of gate 2 (receiving and direction) with gate 14 (reward, power skills, possession, work). It is all about your ability to march to the beat of your own drum. Be truly individual and know that life will always pull you in the correct direction so that you are rewarded with resources if you remain open to receiving how that could be, not how your mind perceives it could look.

This channels energy connects your identity center with your sacral energy center. The is a person who is here to work. They love work, when they are doing work they love. This activation in your chart means you cannot help but know when life's pulling you in a certain direction, as to whether or not you honour that knowing is a case of switching off the mind's logic, listening to the gut and just accepting the knowing that life is trying to pull you in a certain direction. When you follow that beat of your own inner drum, you get pulled towards things that are energetically correct for you, things shift and realign and the path forms, and when you try to fight that pull or that beat you experience frustration.

You may try to keep yourself stuck on your old path but this channel will always pull and pull and pull until you surrender and let it magnetise you to exactly where you are supposed to be. The drum never stops beating. We just have the volume of the outside world too loud sometimes. Turn the volume down and you will begin to hear that beat. The pull of this channel is specifically about using your resources, your energy, your time in the right direction. Gate 2 is the gate of the Driver. It is giving a direction to the powerful energy of the sacral to drive in. You have a gift of alchemy. The ability to generate money through work you enjoy and then the drive and direction to invest it correctly to then generate more.

The superpower this channel brings to you is your ability to take raw, broken, ailing subject matter and make it shine. There is a wizard like energy to the things you perform this magic on. You have an ability to transform and improve things/ situations/ businesses defying the odds.

To accompany this superpower you also are somewhat of an expert or may have a high interest in handling the direction of finances, resources, and/or managing property. A true alchemist in your own right, you are very capable of turning lead into gold (so to speak) when you plug into your creative power and energy of the defined sacral. Remember that this channel works only in response. Take note of the things life is asking you to respond to. Listen for the beat. The alchemising potential is in those opportunities that are in alignment with your Strategy and Authority.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


1/8 Inspritation


3/60 Mutation