
The Channel of Inspiration.

The Design of A Creative Role Model.

Creative Channel - The Art of Explanation or Expression.

Individual (knowing) Circuit.

Type: Projected.

1- The Creative, 8- Holding together.

The gift of creative self-expression.

This is the combination of gate 1 (individual creativity) with gate 8 (wanting to contribute). Bringing together the energy of the identity (g center) and the voice of the throat, this channel is your ability to be a creative role model that has an empowering influence over others. You're here to be recognised for your individual style of creativity, leadership and guidance. The shadow side of this is the bitterness and frustration you can feel when you are not being recognised for this natural ability of yours.

Because this channel is deeply rooted in your identity, you are designed to model what it means to be an individual in this world. Through this modelling of your individualization you attract the attention of others and free them to express their own uniqueness and individuality. It is through this attracted attention you are able to communicate your message. You may not accept your individuality (perhaps a result of childhood conditioning) and strive to ‘fit in’. Not being seen and recognised as being different (even being seen by yourself as different) can lead to states of melancholy. The abundance and liberation that accompanies this channel can only flow when your individualism does. Why fit in when you were born to stand out right?!

The gift and the superpower of having this channel in your design is that you're literally a walking inspiration to people. You empower others simply by being you. The bolder you are in your natural essence, the bolder you empower others to be. This is a channel of leadership in it’s own right. It doesn’t look to who is following, or care if it has any followers, this is individuality. The brighter your light shines the brighter everybody around you shines. You can really motivate people and make things happen when invited to share your contribution. You have an uncanny knack for hearing things that don't sound right, projects or people that don't sound right. If something doesn't sound right to you, trust that instinct.

Be aware that volunteer work may not suit you. While it can please the energies of gate 8; contributing to the collective. It does not please the energies of gate 1; creative individuality, very well and can sometimes leave you missing that praise and recognition you're seeking for your individuality when you have just stuck your hand in the air to help out.

A tip for people with this channel is to be aware of your tonality. The tone of your voice will often affect the outcome of your guidance and leadership. If you're feeling nervous when you speak, your audience will detect it. When you speak with confidence and clarity, there is an underlying energy of reassurance that your audience receives. Remember, this is a projected channel so the most empowered state of this channel is always going to be after an invite. There can be melancholy when the feeling is that nobody is paying attention to you expressing your individuality or creative self. Strategy and Authority are the antidote for any melancholy this channel can bring.

This is the art of explanation and expression, art has no rules. It’s completely unique and specific to the person. Have fun with it.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


2/14 The Beat