
The channel of Mutation.

The Energy which Fluctuates and Initiates

Individual (knowing) Circuit.

Type: Generated.

3- Difficulty at the Beginning, 60- Limitations.

The Change-Agent.

This is the combination of Gate 3 (change energy) with Gate 60 (acceptance to limitations). This channel is all about having the energy (sacral energy) to change yourself and change others for the better with a dash of knowing that you cannot force this to happen and that waiting and wobbling in the unknown is absolutely required (root pulse energy).

People with this channel can feel a real need and tension to transform their lives, to change their jobs, to transform their friendships and families. Know that it is better to wait patiently and be alert for the correct timing for major life mutations to occur rather than try to force them into action.

The trick to accessing the superpowers of this channel is knowing that this mutation and change and upgrading from the old to new is always best done in response, never forced or initiated. Wait and watch; life will show you, the universe will show you when and how it is time to push the envelope on a life transformation. Trying to force change and mutation (in yourself and others) against the natural flow of divine timing will feel much more challenging than it needs be. There can be a real melancholic aspect to this channel when you feel as though you are stuck stagnant with limitations all around you inhibiting your mutative process.

This channel operates with a pulse-like cycle of energy for change and mutation. The pressure is either on and it's all systems go, or the pressure is off and you can be a little bored, frustrated, confused, melancholic with the waiting. It’s like “wait for it… wait for it… wait for it… OKAY NOW!” It can seem unpredictable but know that when the pulse is on and you feel that desire to act, that is precisely what is correct for you to do in that moment. When the pulse is off and you do not feel the pressure to act and transform, bask in the place that you are now, look how far you have truly come.

Watch the mind with this channel. The mind loves to take root pressure and make it the single most important thought in your head. It will play the roots pressures on repeat and that can feel as though it is your authority saying “yes now’s the time for the big leap”. The difference is in the energy. If you are not in response and there is no physical energy for a change to occur than it is just the mind doing its trip.

People with this channel of transform rapidly and in massive quantum leaps. Life is happening one way then next minute it can be a full 360 pivot and your headed in a completely different direction. This is perfectly energetically correct for you as long as you have followed your strategy and if it feels alignment with your authority, jump baby! Partners who travel with you in this life must be adaptable and prepare themselves for the erratic but rewarding experience of change and growth, and to always expect the unexpected journeying through life with you.

You bring the gift of change. In your presence there is always a chance of something new coming into the world. however, you must accept the pulse off moments of limitation that come with not knowing when, how, why the next change will occur. This channel is the reason you want to do work that will make an impact, work that serves a higher purpose, work that really brings change to the world. Mutating it from the old to the new improved.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


2/14 The Beat


4/63 Logic