
The channel of Logic.

The Design of mental ease mixed with doubt.

Collective (logic) Circuit.

Type: Projected.

4- Youthful folly, 63- After Completion.

The gift of Suspicion and Enquiry

This is the combination of gate 4 (searching for answers) with gate 63 (doubt and suspicion). Bringing together the energy of endless pondering of the thoughts that run through the head center and the rigorous processing ability of the Ajna center. It is all about your ability to use your powers of doubt and suspicion to gather more and more information until you have answers, logical, tangible, usable answers.

People with this channel are prone to thinking about the future, pondering possible timelines that may not ever come into fruition. This type of mind is best in service to the other when invited, rather then being sceptical, doubtful and worrying about your own life. In the meantime while awaiting the invitation to enquire into another’s life, this is a mind that best used for research to keep it occupied.

This channel gives you amazing insight into future issues. It is a very forward thinking energy and with that comes the search for answers and a logical plan for upcoming problems or challenges. You have a mind that is always weighing up the possibilities “if this happens, then that will happen” type thinking. You have a naturally logical yet somewhat critical mind, doubt and suspicion are the drivers of this.

In its shadow side this channel can present as mental exhaustion. A mind filled with constant doubts and worry. You can get stuck in a loop of trying to problem-solve future issues and come up with logical answers so much that it becomes hard to return to the now and enjoy life as is. Yes you are designed to think about it all and worry but not to the point of anxieties and mental exhaustion. When you're fixated on future problem solving ask yourself “is it broken, does it need fixing?”, “is this within my power of control or not?, if not then why worry”. When pondering patterns and trying to forecast into the future if that pattern may repeat or not it is important to remember that any ‘truths’ you formulate with this mind are YOUR’s. Your truth may not be THE truth.

The gift and the superpower of having this channel in your design is not only the ability to problem solve with the best of them, you do so for others. More often than not you are able to solve problems for other people by asking a few random questions of enquiry that aid them in pulling from their own minds. Your mind is an asset. You can bring about improvements and solutions to problems others have not even considered yet.

With a strong mind it is extremely important to always remember Strategy and Authority and that your mind is never the decision maker.


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3/60 Mutation


5/15 Rhythm