
The channel of Rhythm.

The Design of Being in Flow

Collective (logic) Circuit.

Type: Generated.

5- Waiting, 15- Modesty.

The gift of Rhythm & Flow.

This is the combination of gate 15 (extremes) with gate 5 (order). It is all about the rhythm of nature. Your ability to find your own rhythm in chaos or order in what seems disorderly. But also, you run on your own time clock, nobody else's.

Gate 15 in Human Design is the most magnetic of all the gates drawing people into your aura and making you basically a people magnet. People with this gate activated have an even larger aura than that which they already possess. With the combination of gate 5; the need for routines, rituals, daily schedules, you feel like your day runs a whole lot smoother when these patterns are in place. People with this channel defined draw everyone around them into their flow, into their rhythm of the day. They can subtly, and not so subtly, determine the course of whatever group they are in. If you say let’s go to the bar everyone’s going to the bar! People with this energy usually have a deep connection to nature and animals. If you have this energy, going outside into nature can often help you stay calm and clear.

Being able to give direction to life-force energy, as this channel is a direct channel between the identity center (direction) and the sacral (life force energy) is the superpower of having this channel in your Human Design. Somehow you are naturally in tune with the rhythms of nature. When you tune into this channel and are living in its highest expression you have an innate knowing for the correct timing and order to do things in, and an innate knowing that it doesn't matter how much we push and force our own order, the rhythm and timely order of the universe will always have the last say.

Ordering chaos is a natural talent of yours. While everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off you can pull it together, and pull them all together with that larger magnetic aura of yours to direct the chaos to flow in the direction it needs to reach the end goal. When you are in tune and flowing with the natural rhythm of life, everything seems to flow with ease. It is impossible for you to be early to an event or meeting, as much as it is impossible for you to run late. You are always on time, the correct timing is you in your rhythm and flow with life.

When you step out of that and try to condition yourself into someone else's routine and timing life becomes chaotic and unhappy. When you experience this form of unhappiness (being forced into someone else's routine or schedule), stop, reassess and tune into your authority and what order/ routine, timing or schedule it is pulling you towards- that is what is energetically correct for you and life will resume to a natural easy flow of rhythm.

Cool little side note; it has been said people with this channel often find they can communicate with animals and may hear whispers from nature itself.


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4/63 Logic


6/59 Mating