
The channel of Mating.

The Design of Focused Reproduction

Tribal (defence) Circuit.

Type: Generated.

6- Conflict, 59- Dispersion.

The gift of Co-Creation.

This is the combination of gate 6 (the boarder patrol for intimacy and connection) with gate 59 (creative endeavours), bringing together the energies of the sacral life-force energy and the emotional solar plexus. This channel is all about your ability to connect to people with the purpose of creation. It's the channel of sex, fertility, reproduction and creativity.

Your aura has the ability to draw people in like bees to honey, for the purpose of creating literal life- reproduction. It is this channel that is responsible for the procreation of humans. On a deeper level, people with this channel have a penetrating auric field. Therefore you have that has the ability to get intimate with all people very quickly, but it will serve you to remember not all people want to be penetrated and you yourself may not like the aura you are standing in. Being mindful that you have a penetrating aura can assist you here.

Penetrating into aura’s and having an enveloping aura your self, there is an aspect of connection and support that you desire with this channel. You need support of the tribe or intimacy in your connections while you're in all cycles of your own creative fertility. You are also the tribes support in recognising their cycles and knowing when the ground is fertile for planting new seeds and when it is time to weed the beds.

This channel gives you huge potential to birth new creative ideas, projects or movements. When you're passionate about a project and the timing is correct there is no stopping you. Herein lies the law that this life must create to continue.

Here is this channels tripwire- because your sacral energy is so engaging and your aura so penetrating, you can get drawn into this expectation of being the one that needs to find the resolution or fix others problems, and so you can get sucked into creating projects with people, partnering or having mating partners that are not energetically aligned with you. There must be a waiting period before you get intimate with others.

Mastery of this channel is realising who’s aura you may be inside of and holding no responsibility to partner with them. So when it comes to selecting people to connect with intimately or create with, emotional clarity is everything. Buy yourself some time and let your emotions reach a more neutral point before committing your energy. If it is energetically correct, the intimacy and support you receive during the partnership is fierce and loyal. The creative outcome of the connection will be a force to be reckoned with.


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5/15 Rhythm


7/31 Alpha