
The channel of the Alpha.

The Design of Leadership for ‘good’ or ‘bad’

Collective (logic) Circuit.

Type: Projected.

7- The Army, 31- Influence.

The gift of Leadership.

This is the combination of gate 7 (knowing the role of the self in interactions with others) with gate 31 (the voice of influence). It combines the directional energy of the identity center (g center) with the throat and is your ability to lead with great authority and influence. Neither can work without the other. Gate 31 without 7, has a leader's voice but no direction. Gate 7 without 3, has direction but struggles to be heard.

The combination of the two energies is a leader that is called out by others to take the reins. Chosen from the crowd.

You are a born leader that can march the tribe into an uncertain future but maintain that it will all work out perfectly. The leadership you possess is logical leadership that is naturally democratic not a dictatorship by any means. That is the shadow of this channel and it will never feel correct and true to you to be barking orders. Leadership is an ability not an obligation so if you do find yourself leading teams, groups, organisations that are meaningless to you, you'll land in your not-self theme and in a role that is unfulfilling to you.

The superpower of this gate is that you rarely have to nominate yourself for the role! There is something authoritarian about your presence that makes people automatically pay attention when you walk into a room. People regard you and an obvious candidate for leadership , so prepare to be nominated and elected. This makes your soul dance, leading the tribe is your playground and extremely expansive for your souls journey.

When you are recognized and invited to lead, check in with your authority to see if the position is right for you. If all is energetically aligned you have the ability to bring about radical positive change.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


6/59 Mating


9/52 Concentration