
The channel of Concentration.

The Design of Determination.

Collective (logic) Circuit.

Format channel.

Type: Generated.

9- Focus, 52- Stillness.

The gift of Determined Focus.

This is the combination of Gate 9 (focus on the detail) with Gate 52 (inaction, stillness, concentration). It combines your sacral life-force energy with the pressure energy and drive of the root. This Channel is one of the three format channels in Human Design. The Formats are very powerful channels. With its energy in your chart it has an overriding impact on everything else in your design. The Formats also come with great potential for melancholy or depression if they are not being utilised. This channel is your superpower to completely focus and concentrate on a task to bring about improvement and success.

There is a pinpoint accuracy to your focus and things you set your mind to. Your ability to concentrate and point out exactly what needs attention to improve a project or situation for its success and completion is second to none. You are an asset to any team, workforce, project, task that requires a successful outcome. Making future-orientated plans and detailing the steps that need to be carried out before the wheels are set in motion is your gift. It can frustrate you when people are too eager to launch or take action when assembling the resources. It can drive you crazy when nothing has been thought out or there is no plan at all and they are just going to ‘wing-it’. You have the ability to harness the adrenalized ‘doing’ pressure of the root. You know how to hold...hold...hold, let the energy build as you go about focusing on the plan with one eye always on the prize. You know when it's time to release and unleash the energy only when everything is in place for that task/project/ situation to be propelled and unfold.

Sometimes from the outside this channel can have you look like you are doing nothing to other people. There is a stillness to your concentration. The cogs inside are churring away working out all of the logistics waiting for the root pulse to act, however if misunderstood it can have you look like you are just standing around. Feel free to explain to people, you are concentrating on the finer details that need to be sorted out if you are feeling pressure to act prematurely.

Each format channel carries a shadow side that can cause unease and angst. This channel’s shadow side appears when you are not focusing on the right things, giving your complete focus and concentration to the wrong task, wrong environment, making plans for the wrong people will leave you in your not-self, frustrated and drained.

A key to this channel is remembering it is a generated channel. Meaning it works best in response. Never from a place of force or initiation. Use your strategy and authority to discern which engagements require your concentration and focus and which are to be left alone. Usually you will know because you will respond to something/ someone with complete stillness and focus - That’s your thing!

Lastly, never assume this ability to focus and concentrate is a common skill. When the people around you demonstrate this ability it is because they are tapping into your energy and mirroring this superpower back to you. You’re an asset to any exam room.


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7/31 Alpha


10/20 Awakening