
The channel of Awakening.

A Design of Commitment to Higher Principles.

Integration Circuit.

Mystical channel.

Type: Projected.

10- Treading, 20- Contemplation.

The gift of Authenticity.

This is the combination of gate 10 (the gate of self love) with gate 20 (ability to speak the now truth). This channel combines the power of the identity center with the communication and manifestation qualities of the throat center. With his channel defined there is nothing, I repeat, nothing more important that you being able to be you, your authentic self regardless of the circumstance.

This is a powerful channel that gives you the ability to breathe in life's joys and beauties in everyday moments that to others may seem mundane. Being a mystical channel people with the 10/20 have a deep capacity for spiritual awareness, empowering others and unconditional self-love.

With this channel you have an ability to awaken others around you to the joys of life simply by being yourself and standing in your own authenticity. You like to meet people on a higher level and connect with kindred spirits that believe in the magic of the world as much as you do. Remember, it is an individual channel within the integration circuit, the most important person here is you. This channel is not directly concerned with the other, or being of service or any of that. You have to empowered by it first it then becomes empowering for others as a by-product, you cannot force the gift of the channel.

This is one of the four 'leadership' channels and with that title comes a little shadowy aspect that can rear its ugly head if you are not conscious of it. To some it can seem that you place yourself on somewhat of a moral high ground, trying to lead people to find their purpose or 'awaken'. Because this channel delivers energy directly to the throat you can speak your insights about awakening and empowerment, it can come off as some what of an attention seeking channel. Know that the right attention will come from the right people, there rest or not for your message at this time. Always be aware, this is a projected channel and so the insights are best received when invited. Preaching the magical life of spiritual awakening when uninvited can have your message fall on deaf ears or taken the wrong way. This will leave you in your not-self theme.

When both the g-center (the identity center) and the throat center have been mastered and you are living in the highest expression of this channel it is one of the most powerful energies in the Human Design System. To be able to live in the now moment, complete love and acceptance for who you are in every moment, enjoy an awakened life and empower others to do the same is the highest expression of this channel.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


9/52 Concentration


10/34 Exploration