
The channel of Exploration.

A Design of Following one’s Convictions.

Individual (centering) circuit.

Creative Channel - Following One’s convictions creatively.

Mystical channel.

Type: Generated.

10- Treading, 20- Power.

The gift of Conviction.

This is the combination of gate 10 (the gate of self love) with gate 34 (personal power). This channel combines the authentic self of the identity center with the life-force energy of the sacral center. This channel is a generator channel that is best when in response. So what does this mean? When in response to life you are able to conduct yourself in a truly authentic manner of energetic correctness for yourself, rather than forcing and pushing against life. This in turn is so powerful and magnetic that it encourages people around you to conduct themselves in the same correct manner for them.

When you are in flow with life and responding to things that align with your inner authority, you magnetise your energy. It is important that you have the courage to listen to what these invitations for your response might be and pass them through your inner authority before committing yourself.

Make no mistakes, you will be shooting off on what may look like a tangent to others, but if it is in response and energetic alignment for you, you will always be on the right path. The power aspect of this channel lies within your conviction to stay on your path regardless of what people around you may think, say or do. Your happiness is hinged on your own self approval, not those around you. If you do stray from your path to please others, you will feel a sense of being 'lost' this is because of the energy behind this channel. It is strongly connected to your identity center and your sense of self. Use that 'lost' feeling as a little tap on the shoulder that you need to reassess what you're doing and for whom you are doing it.

Mastering this channel's energy see's you living in your authentic power! The gift of conviction. Aligned, in love with life and in flow with what seems an endless amount of energy to pursue the things that excite you and bring you joy. Other people around you are drawn to this display of personal power and will want a piece of it for their own life. You have an ability to condition those around you to be more independent and center their lives around themselves rather then depending on others so much. This channel has nothing to do with words you speak; it is purely your conviction to your own authentic path and your own actions to align and stay on that path that centers and empower others.


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10/20 Awakening


10/57 Perfected Form