
The channel of Perfected Form.

A Design of Survival.

Integration circuit.

Creative Channel - creativity of survival (creative impulse).

Type: Projected.

10- Treading, 57- The Gentle.

The gift of Perfected Behaviour.

This is the combination of gate 10 (the gate of self love) with gate 57 (intuition). This channel combines the authentic direction of the identity center with the survival and instinctual knowing of the spleen. This is the gift of a perfected form. But what does that mean? In Human Design the ‘form’ is the body. The vehicle that your personality is riding in. The gift of this channel is your ability to surrender to the form knowing that it’s behaviours, its directions, its path for you is perfect.

You have the ability to think on your feet. You are here to survive. You have an uncanny intuitive awareness of how to survive, what it is you need to do in the NOW moment! Even if it isn't logical all you need to do is trust that intuitive knowing. Whether it's an actual life threatening situation, a pursuit, a project or relationship you just know what to do.

People with this channel are creative in that they create simply for the enjoyment of creating, it is like breathing for them. The must create in order to survive. Often they create things of beauty in the world. This channel is often referred to as the channel of beauty.

In its shadow and lowest expression this channel can stop you taking action crippled with fear. The gate 57 in this channel can hold an underlying fear of what the future will bring, so you may hold yourself back especially if you think you're going to make a mistake. This channel likes to get it perfect, and people with this energy can come across as perfectionists. But fear not, gate 57 is also the most intuitive gate in the entire Human Design System. Although you have a deep desire to get things perfect you also have the intuitive knowing of how to do so- in your form. Let go of all of the things your mind thinks it must do in order for perfection to happen. Allow the body to lead you there.

Because of its combination of identity and intuition, people with this channel are very conscious of being on their life's path, and often have a role in life of empowering others to discover their soul's journey as well. Be forewarned, if you try to offer up your advice of perfection to another it may go unheard or dismissed. That is because this is a Generated channel. The empowering of others only comes through response and only ever after you have empowered yourself. You cannot ‘fake it ‘til you make it’ with this channel.

In its highest expression and mastery you come to learn that life's got your back. Your intuitive messages become second nature and you trust in them immensely to always steer you in the right direction. You always know how to survive, you have an awareness of your fear of imperfection and do the thing anyway. The 10-57 channel seems to bless people with an invisible protective shield. To others it looks as though you have a knack for dodging trouble “How did you get away with that?!” is something you may have heard once or twice. What's really going on is you have cat-like instincts that are on alert to any vibrational change in the environment. People or situations trigger an intuitive response in that now moment.

Next to you is the safest seat in the house. Trust your inner knowing.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


10/34 Exploration


11/56 Curiosity