
The Channel of Curiosity.

A Design of a Seeker.

Collective (Sensing).

Awareness stream of sensing.

Type: Projected.

11- Peace, 56- The Wanderer.

The gift of Storytelling.

This is the combination of gate 11 (ideas) with gate 56 (the storyteller). Bringing together the Ajna’s awareness and conceptualization with the manifestation and communication powers of the throat. This channel is your ability to have an experience, break it down into wisdom and then share it with all the bells and whistles attached. Ajna to Throat channels are what Ra often described as the ‘verbal gunslinger’ channels. None of the activity that occurs in those areas is supposed to be acted without correct timing and invitation. You have a consistent flow of energy from the area that derives concepts and models of our world to the area that has the ability to voice those concepts. but it doesn’t mean that your stories will always land well with people.

The unhealthy state of this channel is trying to force your idea or story onto the other. Or trying to give your ideas legs by blurting them out to everyone that will listen. When you do this your ideas/ stories/ metaphors or perspectives fall on deaf ears and this leaves you in your not-self theme plus some level of bitterness. The trick to utilizing this channel's energy efficiently and effectively is to always use your strategy first as well as wait for your perspective/ opinion/ idea to be invited. This is the green light for all systems go.

The superpower of this gate is in your curiosity. You're forever seeking out new concepts and finding out new information to share with others. Your interest in anything and everything takes you through all manner of modalities, theories, belief systems as you gather your knowledge along the way. You love nothing more than seeing the reaction of others when you share what your curiosity has uncovered this time. You don't take second hand experience as gospel, much preferring to experience the thing, draw your own conclusions and share that with your tribe yourself. When you share you have a beautiful way of adding the colour and aesthetics and depth to the story with all the trimmings. You have a special way with language.

Remember this is the design of a seeker- not necessarily the finder. You may not be here to achieve any certain goal. Letting go of the idea of attainment is a great way to find peace in the many journey’s you are here to embark on. Just be in the seeking and see what stories arise from there.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


10/57 Perfected Form


12/22 Openess