
The Channel of Initiation.

A Design of Needing to be First.

Creative channel: The Art of Joy.

Mystical Channel: A Design of Leaping into the Void. Mystical direction.

Individual Centering Circuit.

Type: Manifested Channel.

25 - Innocence.

51 - The Arousing.

The gift of Initiation.

This is the combination of gate 25 (the spirit of the self) with gate 51 (shock and arousing), bringing together the energies of the identity center and the heart/ will power. This channel is all about your ability to be gutsy and pushy and competitive and with your heart in the right place, leap into a seemingly unknow direction for the sake of new mutation and evolution. This is the willpower to mutate and empower others to do the same.

This channel gives you the willpower and motivation after surviving your own shocking experiences, to alchemise the wisdom and use that experience to assist troubled souls around you. The great lesson of this channel is that you cannot heal others or start them off on their own healing journey until you first heal yourself. Or at least be on the healing journey.

You cannot assist others through their own deep wounding initiations until you yourself have done the 'work' in that life arena. Know that every dark night of the soul that you conquer brings you closer to your souls transcendence, closer to spirit and closer to this wise sage who can assist others.

In one aspect (just like any ego channel) this channel can present as arrogant, pushy, over competitive and the need to be the best, or first all the time. You have a strong sense of purpose and this means you seek to have a very well positioned seat at the round table when it comes to business. Sometimes this can translate as a bit of a 'high-all-mighty' attitude and that people must listen to you and your advice. Been there, done that kind of attitude.

The gift and the superpower of having this channel in your design means you are somebody who can open doors to new possibilities, you can shake up this world and initiate mutation through shock. There is always an element of shock around you. There is a competitiveness to this channel on the mundane level but underlying there is an evolutionary competitiveness. A need to leap at the unknown to cause evolutionary mutations. To shock this world into evolving by going first yourself. Knowing who and what has mutative potential is a gift of this channel. Leaping in blind faith without Strategy and Authority is it’s dilemma.

Understand that this is a Projected channel and recognition as a mutative force is very important when you feel the need to go first, or be first, or have the ego commitment to take the action or do the thing. When you are invited you are recognized and appreciated for your individuality and your expertise in initiation of change. When the invite isn't there there is no need for the ego motor to go to work here.

More mundanley, you might find that people compete with you, or you make people compete with life. This channel has two ways it presents itself, it can be very competitive or not. That means that people who have this energy defined stir-up competition in others but may not necessarily be competitive themselves, but others definitely compete with them. People in your presence feel the need to walk faster, get to the head of the line, or want to win the game. The frequency of this channel is very potent and unavoidable to those around you. It is the superpower of firing the starter's gun like at the start of a foot race. Once you begin to have an awareness of this energy you are able to bring to a room it is actually humorous to watch.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


24/61 Awareness


26/44 Surrender