
The Channel of Awareness.

A Design of Thinker.

Individual Knowing Circuit.

Type: Projected channel.

24- Returning.

61 - Inner Truth.

The gift of Bringing New Thoughts to the Earth.

This is the combination of gate 61 (pondering life's mysteries) with gate 24 (the ability to rationalise). Bringing together the pressure of the head center with the ajnas awareness and conceptualization. This channel is your ability to ponder, wonder, think over and download life's big questions. Then to mentally refine those thoughts to find your truth.

This life force can take you so far down the rabbit hole in thought that you cannot take a beat. You can exhaust yourself and others with your endurance to rationalise and conceptualise. It can be almost as though you think you're going to miss the clarity/ or answers if you give it a rest, so you’ll rewind, replay and review until the pressure is too much or until you come to a realisation.

In the abstract channels and the logical channels of the mind you are dealing with things that already exist. This channel is the individual mind and it is dealing with newness, bringing in the new. There can be a real mental melancholy here when there is nothing new, no change or no new awareness to think about.

It is normal for you to have lots of noise in your head. This channel makes thinking kind of like a sport to you. If this was the Olympics you’d be the gold medal for busyness of the mind. When you can detach yourself from expecting your thoughts to be resolved, you can ease the amount of rationalising you have to do. Know that clarity will find you, if it is supposed to, regardless of how many times you hit rewind and replay. And that sometimes, something are just unknown and are to stay that way.

The gift of this channel is in the mastering of it. Mastering the right times to be mulling things over and over and mastering the times when you must let a thought pass on by without teasing it out. This channel gives you the ability to get those around you on the bandwagon, inspiring others to have a turn thinking outside the box. When they are in your presence they get a taste for what it's like to have a mind that doesn't stop.

Remember that it is okay to not know. It is okay to say “I don’t know right now, I am in a space of waiting for my knowing to come and I am okay with that”.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


43/23 Structuring


25/51 Initiation