
The Channel of Structuring.

A Design of Individuality- Genius to Freak.

Individual Knowing Circuit.

Type: Manifested Channel.

43 - Breakthrough.

23 - Splitting Apart.

The Gift of an Efficient Mind.

This is the combination of gate 43 (insights and breakthroughs) with gate 23 (speaking the minds knowing's). Bringing together the energy of the ajna, that processes the mind's thoughts, and the voice energy of the throat. This channel is all about your ability to speak your inner knowing’s.

The dilemma that comes this channel is trying to translate the knowing's of the mind into language to be voiced in a way that it is understood how it was intended. It is extremely acoustic and it can be somewhat of a challenge to translate the sound of the individual knowing in to language that can be shared with the other. You may often feel misunderstood and annoyed that the potency of what you know has been diluted or completely botched. Right timing is very important here. This is a Projected channel and so the invitation to share your inner knowing should come with adequate recognition for your mental tenacity that others simply do not have. Two questions that can help with this urge to blurt out your inner knowing's are; “is this something people are ready to hear?” and “have I been invited to share my thoughts?”. Your strategy and authority will never lead you astray with the answers to these. With timing in place, the brilliance that travels from your mind to your throat will land much more in the way of genius that that of the freak.

You may be renowned for saying “I don’t know how I know, I just know” and there can be a frustration with anybody who directly challenges your knowing’s. It is all about efficiency and the ability to see a much more efficient structure in the way something could be organised, or shared, or arranged, or setup. having someone who asks for further insight or for you to explain in detail what you are processing is very nurturing for the 43/23. It is when they are at their best. Because you are so adept at mental gymnastics it can be quite frustrating when others do not show the same level of mental endurance that you do.

The gift and the superpower of having this channel in your design is that you can polarise people with your thought provoking insights that are often genius. You can spark fundamental change and begin complete paradigm shifts with voicing what you know to be truth. This is deeply satisfying when the knowing of your inner world are translated to the outside and utilised.

A tip for people with this channel, or children with this channel is they learn extremely quickly through listening, however they only hear and listen for as long as they need to before the mind goes off deriving it’s own knowing’s, they can be deep in thought about a knowing that they have received and are in the process of piecing together. Because of this, this channel can sometimes present like you are off in ‘la-la land”, when in fact you’re midway to a breakthrough or insight and simply do not want to disengage from that thought process.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


21/45 The Money Line


24/61 Awareness