
The Channel of Surrender.

A Design of a Transmitter

Creative channel: The Art of Enterprise

The Awareness Stream of Instinct.

Sexual Keynote: The Channel of Manipulation.

Tribal: Ego Circuit.

Type: Projected Channel.

26 - The Taming Power of the Great.

51 - Coming to Meet

The Wizard.

This is the combination of gate 44 (a memory instinct for spotting patterns and trends) and gate 26 (the gate of the salesman). It connects the spleen's instinctual energy to the willpower and motivation of the heart center. The creativity of this channel is in its ability to replace old standards with new ones. It brings an improvement to old concepts, particularly on the material level (think resources, money, assets, products, services) and has the gift to be able to sell them to the collective. People with this channel do this by way of pulling apart the old, deconstructing it, rearranging it and then reassembling it as the ‘new’.

Often we see products advertised as being “new and improved”, this is an example of how this channel operates. You have the ability to literally remember in your bones what happened or occurred in the past and to be able to apply that knowledge to the present, and project into the future to see how you can improve that situation/ thing/ product/ or service so that it appeals to the tribe. Here’s the kicker: you also have the energy of a perfect sales pitch so you can deliver it in a way that the tribe will soak it up.

There is an ancient concept of evolution running at an unconscious level underneath this channel and that is a knowing that only tribes who keep themselves up to date and up with the times will survive. Part of the willpower you exert with this channel is your will to keep your tribe not just afloat- but thriving with the new and best resources that they could have.

Support is a dominant theme with this channel and those with this channel can only replace the old with the new if they have the support of their tribe and networks around them. Ask your tribe what they want to see, what they want to change, how they would like the product/service to be. Their answers will kick your superpower into action. Always remember, this channel needs to be recognized and invited before put into action. Be warned if you use this superpower for evil you can be seen as a trickster, the sleazy salesman, using seduction to get the attention of others to convince them that your idea is worth their investment, it is a very influential energy. Stay honest, integral and pure in your intentions to avoid this projection.

You have a knack for business. marketing, selling, content creation, anything that enables you to pull apart something and reassemble it so that your tribe can understand it better, enabling you to be able to sell it to them is your forte. This particular channel of the ego wants maximum reward for minimal input. It may pay to remember that this channel is the channel of surrender because the ego MUST surrender to the awareness of the spleen. Working the heart motor to the bone is not wise, and the heart is exactly that - a motor that is not wise. It takes its orders from the awareness of the spleen. Listen to your Authority and your body’s awareness to know when you are working with or against this powerful motor.

Useful tip for people with this channel: pay close attention to smell. If you don't like the smell of someone, their idea or a contract stays well away. People with this channel can smell something or someone fishy and when in their genius zones can have a clairsentient ability.


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25/51 Initiation


27/50 Preservation