
The Channel of Charisma.

A Design where Thoughts Must Become Deeds.

Integration Channels.

Type: Generating.

20 - Contemplation.

34 - The Power of the Great.

Power in guided busyness.

This is the combination of Gate 20 (the gate of now) with Gate 34 (great power). It is all about being busy busy busy! This channel is THE purest Manifesting Generator channel that expresses its gift by having great power in busyness. Having a great deal of things to do. But there is a catch. You have an innate drive to be active and busy and you're actually in flow and at your happiest there, but it cannot be blind busyness. Aimlessly adding more and more to your plates while they are spinning in the air is a recipe for a lot of smashed plates and a big mess for you to have to come back and clean up.

There is no denying that 6 to-do lists, 4 big projects and probably 8 pursuits on the go is something you are capable of, but your capacity of what you can take on is very specific and nuanced to YOU and your design. Busy for one MG is not the same level of busy for another. You may have a few different little hobbies, probably many different friends groups and a partridge in a pear tree. You are a multi-tasking guru and your charisma shines so brightly when you are in your flow, keeping busy doing things that light you up. There is the key to unlock the charisma that this channel brings; the task, to-do lists, projects must be full of things that light you up! They must be things you are in response to and have the energy for.

Yes, we still have to get everyday life chores done but if there are 5 tasks on your list for the day make sure 3 of them are projects or people that you love and you will feel the power in your charismatic flow shining through. This channel's superpower lies in the energy it injects into others. An hour with you in the same room or on the same team and they too will have a spring in their step, motivation and a plan in place to get things moving. If I was trying to start a new project but didn't know where to start or how to, start or when to start, I would be inviting you around for a coffee and telling you all about it. We would be 1/4 of the way through the project before you left. Now does this mean you HAVE to exercise this gift and run yourself into the ground flicking and changing between groups/ people/ tasks to help everybody every moment of the day, hell no! This is your gift to utilise to your advantage. Don't succumb to flattery or that people ‘NEED’ you on their team to get things done. Follow your strategy and Authority to discern what task/ groups/ projects are correct for you to engage your powerful charismatic energy in. This cannot be stressed enough; what matters with this channel is that you use its superpowers doing things that light you up!

Be forewarned, because you have this channel and this channel's amazing gifts, you can have an expectation that others have this same capability to stay busy and active, switching and changing tasks swiftly. This is not the case and it would not be wise to expect that of others.

If you are feeling as though you are running around like a chicken with your head cut off and getting nowhere, ask for guidance. This channel operates the most effectively when your great power is guided. Some really good yes/no questions will help you determine just what thought MUST become deeds right now and which are not for this now moment.

As an MG you have the power of the pivot innately on your side. Don’t be afraid to pause, pivot, put things down for a moment or stop things altogether. It doesn’t mean you have failed or that you may not pick them back up later. This channel is all about NOW. What is keeping you busy right now.


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19/49 Synthesis


20/57 Brainwave