
The Channel of The Brainwave.

A Design of Penetrating Awareness.

Individual Circuit (knowing)

Type: Projected Channel

20 - Contemplation.

57 - The Gentle.

The Gift of Speaking Intution.

This is the combination of Gate 20 (speaking now moment truths) with Gate 57 (the most intuitive in the chart, clarity and also the fear of tomorrow). It combines your defined throats ability to communicate effectively with the intuitive knowing of the defined spleen. This Channel is a part of the ‘Knowing Circuit’ in Human design and it fully embodies the name that the circuit implies. The gift that this channel brings to your life is the voice of intuition.

This channel is driven by splenic intelligence. The awareness of what to communicate in the now and what does not need to be added to the space. This is about empowerment and mutation through communicating brainwaves that occur in the now. It is extremely mutative with it’s intuitive awareness but we have to recognise that this channel is not (by itself) connected to the root or the sacral center. There is no fuel or motor energy here only awareness and the ability to bring that awareness into form via means of communicating it. Which is why the intuition that comes with this channel must be invited by the other.

There is a spidey sense that accompanies this channel. This is your ability to 'hear' what sounds truthful about people, projects, situation and what sounds off about them as well. There is no pulling the wool over your eyes when this channel is in full swing. Your intuition is too keen and the truth of the matter comes to you like a brainwave. Over time the more you learn to trust this intuitive knowing the clearer it will get.

A dilemma of this channel is that when these brainwaves arrive you can get distracted and begin to talk about what you are hearing to speak to in the now. You may jump from one brainwave to another as your intuition delivers the goods. This to others can make you appear scattered in conversations as they are not experiencing the intuitive hits that you are.

One of the most extraordinary capacities humans have, via this channel, is pure intuition that can speak. Trust that when you get the intuitive message that it is coming from somewhere outside of this earthly plane and is exactly what is needed in the moment, if you have been invited to share it. This channel gives you your ability to be able to think on your feet and when the timing is correct, your intuitive message can have a deep impact on those around you. It is very spontaneous and sharp in its delivery of the message so be mindful that not all are ready. Sharing your insights and intuitive wisdom when the timing is off or the message is really not invited nor wanted by the other will see you in your not-self theme. Following your Strategy and Authority in deciding when to share and when to let the moment pass by.

You do not need an invite when this channel shares with you about your own instincts or what you must do in the now moment for your own survival. Only when sharing insights about the other that is to guide or advise them is an invitation required. Otherwise you are energetically penetrating and interfering with their process. Practicing non-interference is a great tool for people with this channel.


© copyright 2022. Amy Ruth HD. All Rights Reserved.


20/34 Charisma


21/45 The Money Line