Transitoriness in the Mundane
Nothing is more important to humanity than the creative contribution of the 35-36. It is very, very important for us. It is what distinguishes human beings from all other species.
- Ra Uru Hu.
This is Jedd’s iPad. It’s full- again. This is us in the process of deleting games. He is an emotional Manifestor. Defined by the 35/36. This is the 35/36 in the mundane.
He downloads a game, gives it a go, gets the hang of it, and then seemingly gets bored. So he downloads the next one, and then the next one, and then the next one, until his storage is full. Then he comes to me in an emotional crisis and will inform; “I can’t download any new games”. I inform him that he has to delete old games that he doesn’t play anymore to make more room.
My minds narrative, and the conversations I have had with my partner in the past;
“Can’t he just play one game”
“Can’t he just be happy with the games he’s got?”
“No more downloading! gaaahhh”
No he can’t. Because it’s not actually about the game. The experience is not personal, it’s experiential. It’s about the entire experience and it’s not just for him, It’s for him to share with he collective. But it is not that he is bored. He needs newness, he needs new material, he’s collecting experiences to share with the collective. The 35/36 is in the abstract circuitry. It is a process along the experiential way (41-30-36-35). That is then fed into the 11/56, the storytelling channel. How can he tell his stories if there is no experience had to tell?!
Now there’s a basic formula for parents who have a 35-36 child. That formula is: your child does not have to repeat things. It is unhealthy for them to repeat things. Now I’m talking about experiences. So think about what happens to parents that have a 35-36 child and they put the child into this after school program or that one or the next one or the next one or the next one, and of course the child by its very nature doesn’t want to be there. It has the experience and once it had the experience, its natural mechanism is what’s next.
-Ra Uru Hu
With each new beginning there is a new emotional experience. The small crisis that comes with downloading and learning a new game. Maybe the game doesn’t work? Crisis. Maybe the controls are too hard for him? Crisis. Maybe the game needs internet to play it? Crisis. Not to mention each game is a different experience within itself. From a zoomed out perspective it’s the same experience over and over again right?!. Download, play, move on. Repeat. But for him there’s a slight difference about each of these cycles. He is collecting experiences, not repeating the exact same experience. That is the first part of the creativity of this channel. The second being the sharing about the experience. This is the 35/36 on a very innocent micro level.
I used to get annoyed at this behaviour. Until I saw it through the lens of his design. The moment I brought my awareness to this space, my entire perspective changed. There is no point trying to change this behaviour. He is here to manifest new experiences. He is here to initiate change. In this one small area of his life, he is free to manifest. Uncontrolled, untamed, peacefully without resistance (disclaimer- we do have age appropriate filters on, and they are all the free games but he is not aware of these controls in place at this point). For a 4 year old Manifestor this is FREEDOM and this is PEACE. There is no need for me to change or curb this behaviour, or to be worried about this behaviour. He is literally designed this way, the 35/36 being his only channel and the one that defines him as a Manifestor.
The 35-36, in having their experience, once the experience is over,—remember that the experience for them, that’s where they get the material they need. It isn’t an end in itself; the experience is meant to end so that they can reflect on it, to be able to give back that information.
-Ra Uru Hu.
To support him in his differentiation we encourage reflection on his experience. The good, the bad, the ugly, the high’s and the lows and all the bits in between. This is where his impact and initiation for others comes from.
“Some games are much harder to play then others”
“I can see you got a heap of new games got today”
“I can see your iPad storage is full”
“New games are exciting”
“I don’t know how to choose what sort of games I like”
These are all informing statements. They encourage a conversation to begin around his entire experience. If he doesn’t engage in the conversing, his solar plexus is not ready to reflect on the experiences yet. I know the creative part of this channel is in the sharing of the experience. But it has to have had time to fully into his system for him to be able to reflect on it. The solar plexus requires that time for him to see the experience from all perspectives before it is correct for him to impact and share.
When you go into a bookstore or you go into a supermarket and there are all these magazines and there are all these books, that’s what you’re seeing. You’re seeing the creativity of the collective 35-36 experience.
-Ra Uru Hu.
Now could you imagine the 35/36 on a larger. Manifesting experiences outside of the home? After learning about the 35/36 deeply and observing it, being conditioned by it for the last 4 years I can vouch for that deep desire for something new. This channel is how my entire life changed before my eyes with nothing for me to do but watch as it played out.
Through this creative channel my child manifested a childhood of constant new experiences and changes (and of course plenty of crisis along the way). It was through this channel that he initiated us to change our entire lives. He took a recent experience of living in our caravan for 6 weeks and reflected on it. His reflection was what was the most impactful part in the process. His sharing with us that he wanted to go caravanning full time is the mechanism from his throat that has that initiating force, allowing us to surrender to his manifestation or resist against it.
That’s what the manifesting channels from the throat do. It isn’t like the other channels (projected and generated channels). The frequency that comes from the throat gates of a manifesting channel is potent, powerful and impactful. Ultimately I guess it’s the whole reason when a manifestor shares something with you it can have a forceful initiation to it. It is simply a mechanism of the correct frequency of these manifesting gates.
Now it sounds somewhat like we had a choice (to go along with his manifestation or not) and somewhat we mentally do. But mentally the choice isn’t do this or do that, the mental choice is to suffer or not. For the body there is no choice, ultimately it already knows it’s trajectory. In choosing with the mind we sit down to a game of Russian roulette, a whole heap of suffering and anxiety to either come to the same conclusion the body already knew, or we fight against our correctness endure a whole heap of suffering and anxiety and then choose to go against our bodies knowing.
Our bodies, or vehicles were already decided, there was no choice in selling our property, storing our belongings and going fulltime caravanning once that mechanism from his throat had laid down its initiation. My partners sacral was a deep gut yes. I had to be invited. Once invited I felt no fear (being splenic), I felt nothing that was unhealthy or unsafe. I heard my mind, oh for sure I heard my mind! But our bodies were already onboard.
Think about the 35-36 and its contribution to humanity. You see, this is a deeply creative channel as a potential. It’s the creativity that’s says “I have been there and I can tell you about it and save you the trouble.” It’s wonderful. Wonderful story.
-Ra Uru Hu
My 4 year old, our little cyclone of crisis, now lives in a world where he wakes up to a new view every week, he meets a new child daily, he explores new caravan parks and free camps and beaches. I wonder how much of this he will remember when he is older. I wonder how impactful his experiences will be on others. But none of that really matters. I know he is living out his correct nature and that’s all that matters. I see the peace on his face, I see the excitement and determination beaming from him when he is following his desires, I witness the crash wave as the experience ends and he plummets into his low, and then comes the best part, the creative part- his sharing’s and reflection of his new experience before it all begins again.