Member Q&A.


A quick thought that you may or may not have an answer to but I’d love to know your take! How would you describe the difference between an urge (manifestor) and an idea (everyone)? I’m a generator but often get ideas I want to pursue and get excited about but find myself getting caught up thinking and I trying to be something I’m not.
Thanks so much!


Hey Hey...

It is a great questions and it is the one that play's out in nearly EVERY Generator that is trying to live and embody their designs that I have come across.

Obviously, I am not a sacral being however, I observe one daily, I have listen to many 100s of hours on this subject and have often had this conversation with close networks of mine that are in their process living as true Generators in response to life.

The difference is in the energy that is available and the supporting structures that surround the idea. Let me unpack that further for you..

The energy that is available;

When you are in response the sacral energy is there to do, move, create, build, respond. You wont be having to draw from an empty tank, you will physically move into response mode with a consistent drive of life-force. If you are not in response and trying to initiate you may find the energy is limited, fleeting, inconsistent, or you are really lethargic and pushing yourself to make the idea happen or bring the idea into form.

The supporting structures are there;

When you are in response often you will find the things you need ( the support and structures) to build the idea, or the people you require to assist you, or support you, are already there. The resources are already there or they are drawn to you effortlessly. Sometimes even if it seems there is no structures or support for your idea but you KNOW you are correctly (I say correctly because if you are emotional authority then there needs to be a waiting period for clarity to not just a sacral response) in response they will appear out of nowhere or were there all along you just didnt see them before.

If you are forcing or initiating an idea that is not in response you may find that the support just is not there, the clients just are not there, the resources just are not there and certainly the energy (and not just a pulse of energy- consistent energy) is not there. And then begins the cycle of trying to force or manifest those aspects into life as well.

Somethings that might help;

You can always ask the sacral "am I in response, yes or no?"

"Am I trying to force this?"

"Do I have energy for this?"

And sometimes it takes getting really quiet and really honest with ourselves to hear whether the mind is doing its trip or if the action is actually correct for you.

The mind is STRONG! it will come up with all sorts of answers, agendas, reasons why something is a great idea to pursue. Just try to remember only the body really knows what is correct.


Radical, Reckless & Reflections.


“Ask, don’t just take”.