The Gate of the Determination of the Self.
This gate resides in the collective sensing circuit which is all about being human and having a human experience. It really doesn't get more human than the experience of the relationship you have with your body. This gates BFF is 29- the gate of commitment. Electromagnetically the dialogue goes "hey, I'm gate 46 and I love this body I'm in, and I love that body you are in, want to have an experience together?" Gate 29 replies with the sacral "uh-huh" or uh-uh", committing its sacral energy to the direction of the experience. When you have this gate in the channel there is no other involved. The energy leads you to committing yourself to the right experience at the right time (when you are following your strategy & authority). There is a very serendipitous nature to this gates energy, it seems as though you have this uncanny ability to place your body in the right place at the right time to outsiders. Perhaps you have just surrenders to the pull that places your body, your form, in the correct place it needs to be at this exact time for whatever the next experience on your journey is. And then when you give off that frequency to others is appears serendipitous. There is a deep acceptance of the body when the wisdom of this gate has been embodied.
The motto here is "My body is my temple", and know full well the consequences of not treating the body as such. You have an innate ability to see the body as a vessel and therefore can see past it into the essence of another; you know that your identity and other people’s identities are not limited to there body type and that the aspect of one’s identity runs much deeper than just how the body presents. With the gate activated you can encounter a deep respect for the vessel that is your body and in a way it can be frustrating to you when you see others not doing the same, mistreating their temple.
With this gate activated in the transits there may be a pull to take more care of your body, just don't go buying that gym membership unless it's correct!
If you have this in your design, is lady luck often at your side?
*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.