The Gate of the Provocateur.



GATE 39- The Gate of Provocation.

Provocation is causing a strong reaction, especially deliberately, teasing, heat building, tension tightening, this is the bear poker.

The bear poker resides in the root center so with that there is a deliverance of pressure that comes with this energy. This gate (like every gate) is very layered and nuanced depending on the line its activated on. It is an individual type gate and with that can come aspects of melancholy. There can be provoking through self-sacrifice, there can be direct provoking, indirect provoking, extreme assault provoking and quiet subtle provoking. There is an underlying energy at work here that is determining who is meant for your world and who is not. If you poke someone and they come back they might just be able to handle you. If you poke someone enough and they move out of your reality you've done yourself a favour, they were never meant to stay there. It is also the energy to poke and provoke  in order to challenge others to mutate, change, reassess. Think of the teacher that provoked you to do better because they know what you are capable of.

There is a natural gift to solve problems through provoking. The energy here can push others to get themselves unstuck, as well as be used to get yourself unstuck. Its certainly wise to use your strategy and authority when dabbling with this gate when doing so, you are a master in the art of provocation. You have the skills that it takes to poke the bear enough to get it moving without getting your head bitten off in the process. S&A slipped your mind, well be prepared for what happens when you poke the bear at the wrong time, or your poke the bear uninvited or your poke the bear without telling them you are about to poke them. When this gate is delivered by the program (transits) boy is there some heat about the place. With this gates energy it may be fun (or dangerous) to observe and reflect on;

Who have you been provoking and to what extent can you/ did you provoke them?

Who can handle your poking?

Why are you poking?

is it correct for you to be poking and provoking?

What are you trying to make happen?

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Thirty Eight


Gate Forty