Profile is derived from the iChing hexagram lines of the gates activated in a person design sun & personality sun. It is the costume we wear to style ourselves up for our purpose party.

There are 6 lines of the Hexagram. Our profile is made up of a combination of two of these Hexagram lines. The first number is you personality/ conscious characteristic. The second number is your design/ unconscious way of showing up in the world. Your profile is the costume you are wearing, the character you will play to carry out your purpose. it serves your best interest for the lessons, learning’s and karma you have come to acquire or correct in this incarnation of your soul. Your profile is not what it is you are here to do but rather, the roles you’ll play in order to do it. There are 12 specific profiles split into 3 types. There is personal, transpersonal or juxtaposition profiles


The individual lines

The Profiles


