The Circuits.

The bodygrpah is one major circuit board. There are separate pathways for certain energy’s to flow around this circuit board. These pathways all represent a different evolution of human behaviour. The energy circuits are like an underlying heartbeat that pulses constantly. Depending on where majority of your gates and channels are in the chart, this pulse behind your behaviour can be very beneficial to understanding why you do the things you do, or behave in certain ways.

The three major circuit groups are INDIVIDUAL, TRIBAL and COLLECTIVE, with a fourth cluster of channels called the INTEGRATION CHANNELS. Each of the major circuit groups has two sub groups. The breakdown is as follows;


The keynote of EMPOWERMENT.

Consist of the Knowing and the Centering circuits.


The keynote of SUPPORT.

Consist of the Ego and the Défense circuits.


The keynote of SHARING.

Consists of the Understanding and the Sensing circuits.

What do you do with this information?!

  • Have a look at you chart and see which circuits your channels reside in. Try to consider those channels operating with the underlying pulse of the circuit group it is from, rather than a stand alone energy.

  • Consider the specific keynote of that circuit and whatever that may bring to the surface for you.

  • Consider which circuit group you do not have a lot of (or no) activations in. Can you see how that energy is something you are consistently missing or drawn toward in others?


