The Energy Types.

Embedded in your energy type is your strategy. Strategy is how each type can be in the world without resistance. It operates in conjunction with your energy types aura. Your aura is the full expression of your being. It is the way we connect and are experienced by the other. When you’re operating in alignment with your strategy your aura is able to move through the world with least resistance. To move with the least amount of resistance, ultimately is to move with ease and flow.

To move through life with ease and flow.. well that sounds bloody delicious to me.


Start it.

Aura; closed & repelling

strategy : inform

signature theme : peace

not-self : anger


Build it.

Aura; open & enveloping

strategy : respond

signature theme : satisfaction

not-self : frustration


Do it.

Aura; open & enveloping

strategy : respond, visualise & inform

signature theme : satisfaction & peace

not-self: frustration & anger


See it.

Aura; focused & penetrating

strategy : wait for the invitation

signature theme : success

not-self : bitterness

Share it.

Aura; sampling & resistant

strategy : wait a lunar cycle

signature theme : surprise

not-self: disappointment
