The Energy Centers.

Our energy centers are derived from the Hindu Chakra system, however Human Design adds two extra’s, making us a 9-centered being. The energy centers are the individual houses of the human experience. Each housing a specific theme (or area of life school if you will). Your defined energy centers are the energy that you push out into the world conditioning the other. Your open/ undefined energy centers are the areas of life that you are more susceptible to being conditioned by the other, they are the areas of life you are designed to decondition from and become wise in. Your open/ undefined centers are your LIFE SCHOOL.


Home of our thoughts, ideas, inspiration, questions & downloads.

Opinion city.

Home of our theory’s, conceptualisation, answers, beliefs & analysis.

Centre Stage.

Home of our communication, manifestations, expression & action.

Identity drive.

Home of our Identity, direction, love & the magnetic monopole.


Home of our motivation motor, willpower, ego & desire for material possessions

Instincts Inn.

Home of our Instincts, intuition, wellbeing, survival & fears.

The Engine Room .

Home of our life-force energy, sexuality, fertility & our most powerful energy motor.

Emo Town.

Home of our emotions, feelings, moods, sensitivity & passions.

Stress Street.

Home of our adrenals, drive, ambition, relaxation & response.


