The Gate of Spirit.




"Spirit is not a concept. It is not an instinct, it is an emotion". Ra Uru Hu

This gate is very deep and layered and complex but let's give it a good crack.

Residing in the emotional solar plexus that is both a motor and potential awareness center. This gate has every potential for awareness. If  one can learn to accept their emotional wave, accept the mood that comes with the frequency of having and emotion and accept that abundance lies in this surrender and acceptance. 'Spirit' that all of humanity is either believing in or searching for is strictly here in the acceptance that you have a cup. Whether the cup is half full or half empty is not of importance when you become aware and grateful that you have a cup to begin with.

This gate is susceptible to the emotional wave that comes from moving through cycles of hope and spiritual abundance to pain and fear of not knowing. There is a specific fear associated with this gate, it is the nervousness that arises from not knowing exactly what to be passionate about. One minute your cup feels half empty, next minute it feels half full.  Your mood  can determine what is correct for you in the moment. It is extremely important with this gate (and especially if you have the entire channel of emoting 39-55) that you are honouring your moods. If you don’t feel like eating, don’t. If you feel like being alone, do so without needing an excuse, if you are not in the mood to work, be sociable, or sex then it is not healthy for you to do so in that moment. Know that what you're passionate about in the moment in your current mood is perfect for this moment in time. You don’t have to search for the next thing to be passionate about. Spirit will move you when the timing is correct.

A couple of things to note with this gate, because it is so layered and nuanced to each persons individual chart lines and substructure. This gate is linked to eating disorders due to an empty feeling. Within this gate can reside a fear of emptiness. Emotional eating and mood eating can occur. Another aspect to be aware of is the very acoustic nature of this gate. It is sensitive to what people say and the tone in which they say it which can see you taking everything personally. You are never 'wrong' in what you feel , however it is important to bring awareness to the chemistry of what you are feeling and wait to see where the wave takes you rather then reacting on that mood or feeling personally in the moment.

You may have some conditioning from childhood around being told you are too moody, or your in a 'mood' and that having been made out to be a negative or bad thing. As a result you may have an inbuilt nervousness around showing or honouring your moods. it is imperative that this is something you make peace with if you have this gate in your design and something accept in others if you find this gate in a loved ones chart.

There is a lot to this gate and to be honest it all sounds very complicated and emotional and moody. There is a potential gift that the people with this gate have and that is the gift of freedom. Absolute freedom in surrendering to their emptions, their moods, and in that freedom comes the awareness of the abundance of spirit in our lives. What a gift.

To Ponder;

Where do you go to process deep emotions? why do you go there?

How do you speak to yourself when you notice you are in a mood?

Are you able to surrender to your moods and reschedule people, events, appointments if needed?

Are you searching for spirit? what does that mean to you?

Do you feel abundant?

Is there childhood conditioning around your emotions and moods you could remove blocks from?

Do you emotionally eat? Are you aware when you are doing so?

*The way I translate the gates is a mixture of Human Design source material; textbooks, transcripts, audios & second generation HD material, integrations from IRL, client sessions, mentoring & personal experience.


Gate Fifty Four


Gate Fifty Six