Parenting by design is not said to be easier. But is it worth every second?- HELL YEA.

It can be hard at first to begin aligning your parenting with your child’s Human Design. There is a real forgetting and undoing of all of the conditioning and homogenisation that has been drummed into us as children ourselves and now as adults. Unless you are extremely lucky and rare your own parents had no idea about how unique you were designed to be in this world. You were conditioned from the get-go by their ideals and norms of parenting and raising children is about. Which probably came from their parents and so on and so forth. So questioning societies norms is one area that can be difficult when you begin HD parenting but also questioning your own conditioning and norms is a whole other area of deconditioning work that can be done.

In this section discussed is ; What HD parenting is, why bother? how HD can be used with children, What we are seeing in a child’s chart and the differences between deconditioning as adults and raising children by design.


An Overview.

Here I speak briefly about what HD parenting is, what it’s all about and why bother raising our children this way.
