Probs THE most asked question I receive from Mums with little ones- “is there anything in their design about sleep?”

Oh hey Mumma,

I see you, I feel you.. I am you! The short answer is YES and NO. There are generalisations for each type. Sacral children (Generators and MG’s) are to have no real set bedtime. The non-sacral children (Manifestors, Projectors, Reflectors) are to have a set bed time and plenty of wind down time before hand. That’s the summarised short answer.

But of course there are a lot of nuances in each child’s chart and we must remember that the parents design and siblings designs also come into play. G-center openness can mean a child really has to like their bedroom space otherwise they will not sleep there. Spleen openness is a huge factor with little children and sleep. Certain gates like routine and others like extremes, indirect (determination) children may need to process their day before bed… etc. So as always it is best to have a 1:1 reading to really have the specific in the chart focused on. That being said; this video may give you somethings to consider, investigate or try out. Keep in mind it is very hard to address all ages, so I have given a general overview and am hoping you can adjust or tweak the advice to suit the ages of your own children.

Something I like to remind myself often is that this non-sleep period is just a season of my life, and while I can not wait for it to pass some days. I also do not want to miss a second of this season.

We got this!

From a Mumma who LOVES her sleep dearly x



In this Video we speak on each of the energy types and bedtime.

Children with undefined spleens with a parent who has a defined spleen.

Generation and degeneration of the sacral.

The bedtime balancing act when one child is a sacral and the other is not.
